Tuesday 26 March 2013

Cat Toys

Hello! :3

You should definitely take the time to play with you're cat, and you're bound to find that your moggie isn't the only one having fun! ;)
Cat Toys are easy to make. To make a simple pompom, you just need to follow these simple steps. :) 

Credit for  the pictures goes to wikihow.com. 

1. Cut two cardboard circles, and then cut holes in the middle of them. 
Put the circles on top of each other, without any overlap.

2. Wind the circles closely with wool or cotton. 
Wrap the first round reasonably tightly, and quickly hold in place with the next one. Continue to wind the wool around the circles, keeping it even and gapless. 

3. Continue until the circle is totally covered. Put the scissors in between the two circles of cardboard and cut open the wound wool around the outer edge. 

4. Draw a long piece of wool between the two circles. Tie and knot it firmly around the stitches that meet in the centre hole. 
Leave sufficiently long ends of wool to dangle it from. 

5. Cut and and pull out the cardboard once the stitches have been knotted together. 

6. Snip round the pompom until it's quite fluffy and round. 

And voila! You have a pompom! :3 You may have to remake it several times if you're cat is particularly playful...

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